Monday, August 27, 2012


I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11

Yesterday I preached on joy. It is interesting. In the Bible (NIV) joy is mentioned 218 times. Happiness six times, and the word happy 24 times. There is a huge difference between joy and happiness. Jesus offers joy. The world offers happiness.

I tried to explain it this way:

Happiness is an emotion that is based on something that has externally happened for us. For instance. If my Dodgers (who completed a massive trade on Saturday) go on to win the western division and go deep into the playoffs I will be happy. But that happiness is based on what has happened outside of me. And you know what, it will be temporary. For in not too long spring training will be back upon us and we’ll be fussing and wondering about how the team will be in 2013.

Joy, on the other hand, relates more to a permanent situation. It is steady. For instance, just the thought of going to PNC park, enjoying the people, relishing the ambiance, and maybe seeing some good baseball being played by…whoever. Maybe even the Pirates. Now that is joy.

Friends, as believers and trusters in Christ, we have an unlimited source of joy through Jesus Christ. We shouldn't be as concerned about happiness which is dependent on outward circumstances. We should have joy in the Lord based on an internal constant - our relationship with Him. That is the joy that Jesus spoke about often; it’s a joy that God’s word speaks about often.

And I’d still be OK with the Dodgers if they go on and win the western division. But I’m counting on having joy….

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