Monday, September 30, 2019


"Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD.” - Jeremiah 8:7

As I was doing some reading about the Ten Commandments a couple of weeks ago, this verse came up. It is about the Old Testament Law (“requirements”) and what we should inherently know. Should is the operative word.

You see it in creation, most noticeable this time of year. As I write this, most of the songbirds have left Indiana county, hummingbirds are absent, and I haven’t seen a robin in two weeks.

The Ruby Throated hummingbirds are interesting. They are tropical birds, so in our cool months they actually go back home, which is somewhere between southern Mexico and northern Panama. When they are with us, they are visitors, far, far away from their homes. But they are in the process of returning home now. The birds will start moving back north in late January, eventually straggling back into western Pennsylvania in early April.

When flying over land, they travel about 20 miles per day, but at some time on their travels, they have to fly over the Gulf of Mexico, making a 500 mile flight without stopping. And they do so in 20-22 hours.  Amazing! They know their appointed seasons, and observe the time of their migration. Inherent, a gift of God.

The law of the Lord, the ‘requirements,’ are things we should inherently know – yet we struggle with them. God through Jeremiah eventually states, “’This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,’ declares the LORD.” ‘I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (vs. 31:33)

The hummingbird seems to have the advantage, inherently following God’s direction for their lives.  We, on the other hand, work hard to fill our hearts with things other than God’s requirements. Maybe that should be the challenge for us this Autumn. Or at least me as I continue to preach through the Ten Commandments.  Study the law, allow God’s word to steep in my heart, and then…work at living them out. And maybe the day will come where we will automatically live into our appointed seasons, times and requirements.

And counting on Jesus’ truth and grace to get me there. Trusting in him….is our appointed season….

Will you join me in living it out?

Monday, September 9, 2019

Statement of Faith

            I believe that there is only one triune God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each of the persons has specific functions; theses functions complement each other even when at times they overlap.  This model of unity serves as an example of how the church should function.  I also believe that God is all-knowing, ever-present, wise, loving, forgiving and just.
            I believe that God the Father is the creator of everything.  Among God’s good creation is humanity.  God has created all of humanity in his image; an image tarnished by the effects of human rebellion and sin; but still God’s image remains in all of us and with that comes our value.
            I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the eternal One, who in his majesty and in his frailty lived, walked, and taught among us.  He was executed brutally on the cross for my sin and for all of our sin, and was physically resurrected from the dead, providing a victory over death and bringing eternal life in which all believers share.  This work of Christ is a gift from God and the heart of the message of reconciliation that I am called to boldly proclaim.
            I also believe in the Holy Spirit who is actively working in the world today.  The Holy Spirit points to the rebellion and sin in my life, and drives me to that reconciliation with God that is found only in the great news of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit prods me to live a godly and thankful life and equips me with earthly and supernatural gifts for service, mission, and ministry.
            I believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the inspired Word of God and the determining authority for life, faith and practice.  This inspiration continues whenever I call upon the Holy Spirit to help in my interaction with and understanding of Scripture.
            I believe that God calls all believers in Christ to lives in which our God-granted talents, gifts, and possessions are to be used in His service.  Along with proclaiming the gospel boldly in word, I am called into compassionate action in my church, community, and throughout the world as a response to the compassionate action of Christ in my life.
            I believe in the Church, both the local Church where we gather as a family to worship, grow and serve, and in the universal church that, through a common faith, through one baptism, and in sharing of the Lord’s Supper, is drawn beyond distinctions in human circumstances and denominational boundaries. I believe God has given the Church the two Sacraments as very visible yet mystical signs of his assurance of forgiveness, love and eternal life.
            I ultimately trust not in my own worthiness, but in the unwavering faithfulness of God, knowing and trusting that in life and in death God claims me for his own.  This claim is not based on any merit I may think I have earned, but is based solely on God’s conventional love; so that I, with an indescribable confidence can conclude as the Brief Statement of Faith joyfully concludes, “With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or death can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”

-Chris Enoch