Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Evil and Good

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." - Isaiah 5:20

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

There is evil in our land. Let's be honest and call it out for what it is. I hear about evil every day, it’s in the news, it infiltrates my Facebook feed.  There are debates going on about things I consider unfathomable. Maybe I'm naive. Maybe I live a sheltered life. For example, I cannot fathom considering a newborn baby's right to live as simply choice to be made. I cannot wrap my limited intellect around it. Maybe I'm naive. Maybe I live a sheltered life.


There is good in our land. I seek it out, I hear about it every day.  Sometimes I see it in my Facebook feed. I see and hear about people doing things every day, sometimes just small things, sometimes big things, most often unnoticeable things that make this world a slightly better place. The story of a real estate broker in Chicago who rented out 30 hotel rooms to get homeless folk off the streets when the temperatures were testing what -50 felt like. Or the pizzeria owner in Fargo, North Dakota who after noticing people digging  through his dumpster for food, posted t a sign that reads,  “To the person going through our trash for their next meal, You're a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a couple of slices of hot pizza and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked."  Maybe I'm naive. Maybe I live a sheltered life. But there is good in our land.

I understand that our only true hope is found in Jesus Christ. 

But I rejoice in those who choose to act on a common grace and do good.  Make no mistake about it. There is evil out there. My prayer this morning is that the good will overcome the evil. 

If only for a day, then this will be a good day.