Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Lord, what a Light this morning.
"…to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ Acts 28:16

This week has just been dark.  The events of Sunday in Texas, added to the seeming unending violent happenings in our land of late, things have been dark. Yesterday was cold, murky, and on top of that came the first of many periods of snow that will happen this winter, I suspect.  The day was just simply dark.

And I have been yearning to see the light through the ever present haze.  Hard to see it through the dimness, through the lament, and through the grief.

A time of prayer with a friend yesterday made me realize something. Maybe it was a word from the Lord, maybe not. But it is truth.  Darkness, at least at times, is a choice. Lament may be necessary and certainly biblical, but I’m not so sure it is always healthy, at least for me. Today.

And so I do some random Bible reading this morning. (Yeah, like God’s providence is somehow random.) The reading is a snippet of Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa about both his conversion to Christ and the ministry Christ had given to him.   A ministry that he had to the Gentiles that “they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God….”

And then word is confirmed in my heart. Darkness, at least at times, is a choice. And if so, then so is the Light.

Let’s be honest. Evil is real. Satan is real. Darkness is real.  We’ve seen it manifest itself far too often in our land in recent years. There is no other explanation.

But this morning, the sun is out. The sky is blue. The trees that still have leaves are glowing hues of red and orange. There is light. Ample light. And I choose this morning to see it.  Let’s also be honest. Goodness  is real, Jesus is real, Light is real. And there is no other solution.

Turn from darkness and let’s walk in the Light.   Will you join me today?