Thursday, May 23, 2013


But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble.  -Proverbs 4:18,19

As many of you know, Susie and I spent the first 19 days of May on a major trip in celebration of our 30th anniversary.  A year late mind you, but still, the timing was right.

We visited New Zealand and Australia.  Great trip.  But the first few days in New Zealand I had a problem.   You see I’ve always had a keen sense of direction.   Rather uncannily, I can normally tell you what direction I am heading, and in particular, which way is north.  Always.

When we arrived in New Zealand, I again immediately could sense which way we were going, particularly when we were going north.  Only…to find we were actually traveling south.  And when we turned west, I knew for sure we were going…north.  And when we were moving east…I knew we were going…north.

You get the point.  For the first few days I felt lost, thrown off by the South Pole, or maybe the sinus issues that long airplane rides always deliver or maybe an aura left behind by mischievous Hobbits.  Maybe.

It’s easy to get thrown off track, to lose direction.  Scripture reminds us, however , that there is a path of righteousness that we are to follow, that there is a way provided to us by Jesus Christ.  Proverbs 4:18 relates this path to “the light of dawn,” which I am reminded, is always found in the east.  Even in New Zealand.  No matter where you are, there is only one direction to go.  And it isn’t necessarily north.

It is to Jesus.  Which direction are you traveling today?

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