Thursday, August 23, 2012

All Shook Up

(from August 20, 2012)

I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. - Psalm 16:8

Having lived the vast majority of my life (46 of my almost 56 years) in Southern California, this quote from Psalm 16 reminds me of the inevitability of earthquakes in that part of the country. I’ve literally felt hundreds temblors, and made it through a handful of major shakers. Earthquakes are od
d – most of the time they hit, and by the time you realize what is going on, they whisk away just a quickly.

It’s when they hit, and keep hitting for a multitude of seconds, that you mind starts to race and you quickly reflect back on the earthquake preparedness that authorities keep pounding into our heads. “Where am I supposed to be standing when the house falls down?” “Did I remember to keep several gallons of fresh water stored away?” “Where are my emergency tennis shoes for walking anyway?” “Did I earthquake proof that cabinet that has the family heirloom china in it?”

In that moment of panic, however, for me, I usually got around to maybe saying a quick prayer, but that doesn’t seem to happen until the shaker is roaring off to points unknown, sounding like big rig truck literally dragging its cargo on the road behind it.

Psalm 16:8 is a reminder that no matter what it is we are facing, whether foreseeable or sprung on us like a six point earthquake, there is no need to be shaken. The Psalmist reminds us to keep our eyes (our attention) on the Lord, and ‘I will not be shaken.”

I don’t know what any of us may be facing this Monday morning. I’m not sure how my day may unfold. I’m certain that some are facing things far worse and more predictable than a minor earthquake. This I know…. I think I know where my eyes shall be. And in that there will be a comfort and peace that passes understanding.

And we will not be shaken….
God bless you,
Pastor Chris

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