Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Plan

(From Augusts 9, 2102)

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows”. - Luke 12:6-7

So often I hear people say, “Godhas a wonderful plan for your life.” Could be. But it seems like such anaffluent American phrase. I think of allthe faithful Christians in third world countries, who struggle with everydayneeds; or the thousands if not millions of Christians that live in fear ofpersecution just because they proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior; and the phrasejust rings hollow. “God has a wonderful plan for your life.” Hmm.

Then I think of Judas. God had a wonderful plan for his life? Hmm.

Here’s what I know. God is love. He knows us intimately (by the hairs on our head, and yes, I still havemost of mine). And though we live in a fallen world, where the rain falls onboth the righteous and unrighteous (visit Matthew 5:45), his love is constant. We are told, not matter what we face, thatfear should not overwhelm us, because we are the apex of God’s creation. He loves in the good times when we are so surethat God’s plan is blessing our socks off. He loves us in the difficult times when our hearts are being torn and itis just a struggle to even acknowledge those hairs on our head that God countsas precious.

I know that somehow through themessiness, disappointments and complexities of life, God is in charge. I know that in all things God works for thegood of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(visit Romans 8:28).

Well, when I consider it thismorning, that alone is a good enough plan for me. And may whatever else unfoldsin my day or my life, may our Lord be given the glory. We are all worth so much to God.

God is love. And I’m thankful.

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