Wednesday, January 2, 2013


“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

Don’t you just wonder sometimes?  You know what I mean.  You meet someone who has been around the block one, two, or a hundred times….and they still don’t get it?   Sometimes, at age 56, I get distressed at my lack of…wisdom.  Sometimes.  You see, growing old does not necessarily equate with growing wise.

The psalmist knew that.  He says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” It seems clear to me.  If we wake one morning and realize that our days are numbered, we will then choose to live wisely.  Think of it this way: if we were to wake up tomorrow and suddenly knew how many days the Lord has left for us…how would we react?

Would we...  Love more?  Hate less?  Give more?  Serve more?  Worship more?  Mend bridges?  Make amends?  Forgive more?  Ask for more forgiveness?  Contemplate more the One who ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made us in the first place?  (visit Psalm 139:14)

All of the above?  Maybe.  Seems to me, that doing all of the above would represent having “a heart of wisdom.”

Which is where we all should be.  Because all of our days are numbered.  They are.  There is only one who is infinite.  We…are not.  And when we realize that fact…may we  live in wisdom.

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