Tuesday, December 4, 2012


In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” - Hebrews 1:1-2

It’s easy to get Jesus wrong.  Charles Wesley once wrote:

Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child;
Pity my simplicity,
Suffer me to come to Thee.

It’s easy think of Jesus that way.  But in a sense, Jesus gets trivialized by such words.  Yes, we get the idealized version of Jesus.  Yes, at times Jesus was gentle and meek and mild.  At times.  At other times however, he overthrew vendor’s tables (visit Matthew 21:12).  You know, he’d get arrested if he did that in the Heinz Field parking lot.

At other times his words were cutting.  At one point, he called certain people (religious professionals – like me) a “brood of vipers.” (visit Matthew 23:33)  I’ve never been near a brood of vipers, but I’m guessing it’s not a pleasant experience.

The passage from Hebrews is a good Advent passage.  I’ll be preaching from it later in the month.  But it is a reminder that even during Christmas when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child, don’t trivialize who this child is.  He is the way God has spoken to us “in these last days.”  This child, meek and mild, is the “heir of all things.” Let me translate that phrase.  Everything is given to him.  Everything.

Finally the author of Hebrews reminds us that through this child “he made the universe.”  Yes, the manger scenes are cute.  He seems meek and mild.  But he is the creator of all things.  Resting in the straw.

So who are you going to be celebrating this Christmas?  The greatest single person ever.  God incarnate.  Jesus. 

Don’t trivialize him.

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