is a plan.
We may not always be on the in on the details and how it will work out,
but there is a plan. So many of us
struggle under life conditions; drifting from one thing to another. Never
really planning a step but just moving forward seemingly randomly.
Nothing is
random. There is a plan.
I have a friend who is really struggling right now. He is struggling with being forced into retirement
through circumstance; he is struggling, and understandably so, with what God has
in mind for him in the future. I can’t
help but think that God has great ministry yet for him to do. But that tends to be my orientation; I always
think that the best is yet to come.
There is a plan.
But in the end, it is
God’s plan.
We are creeping into
the Christmas season (although liturgically it is Advent). We celebrate the birth of Christ; we re-tell
very familiar stories. Sometimes things get a little…cute, shall we say?
tend (as I have mentioned before) to trivialize what Christmas is about. Thousands of Christmas lights in synchronized
dancing to music are still ultimately trivia.
Santa’s appearance at every store, mall and school, just reinforces the
in the passage above, Paul does not trivialize. He writes, “But when the set time had fully come, God
sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the
law, that we might receive adoption to sonship….”
There is a plan. There is nothing random here. It is not trivial
Christmas is about
what was to come. His Son. Born.
To redeem. That we might
What a plan. For
you. For me.
for my friend.
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