Tuesday, May 13, 2014


"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  - Ephesians 4:32

If you know me at all, I have long pondered what it means to ‘act Christian.’ I have been working on this answer for years now. And it’s not just an academic quest; I have genuinely wanted to learn how to act Christian on a most personal level.  I’ve probably grown more into the answer over the past eight years than I had in my previous 26 years as a Christian. I still don’t totally know what ‘acting Christian’ means, but when I do figure it out, I’ll write a book about it.

In the meantime, this simple passage from the apostle Paul gives us a few generous clues on how to act Christian.  He says basically this: be kind, be tenderhearted, and forgive as Christ has forgiven us.

Simple.  Huh.

Well not really, because all of those go against human nature; and especially now that we live in an age where arguing and tearing each other down (frequently via the medium of the internet) has become the norm.  Our human nature has been flaring up with increasing gusto.


We are called to go against our nature.  And adopt Christ’s nature. 

It’s not easy.  It’s a tall order. It’s a transformation.  And it takes time.

And it can happen. The same power that resurrected Jesus on Easter is available for us to tap into for transformation.  The question is, as trusters and believers in Christ, are we willing to tap into that power?  And act Christian?

For each of us, time will tell.  It’s a choice.  Be kind, be tenderhearted, and forgive as Christ has forgiven us.  

Or be human.

I know what I choose.  Maybe by His power, I’ll get there.  And write that book.