Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” -  Lamentations 3:22,23

So.  Today we vote.  Actually, by the time you read this, I will have already voted.  It is my habit to visit the polling booth on Election Day first thing in the morning.

As I mentioned before, unlike four years ago, when it comes to the Presidential Election, I am voting for one of the two major candidates.  Four years ago, I wrote in a name.  Some have said I squandered my vote.  Maybe.  I do always vote; it is a joy to do as a citizen of this great country. What a privilege. And when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be either happy because the candidate I support won, or disappointed because the candidate I supported lost. Sounds like I have a 50/50 chance at either.

But.  This I know.

When I wake up tomorrow morning, I still will wake up in the greatest country in the world. We have freedoms and blessings that no other land can really fathom.  We can choose to change leadership or not change leadership and so without weapons being used.  So much of the world cannot say that.

Tomorrow morning, the sun will still rise, and the day will bring new possibilities.  In the morning, God will still be in control, Jesus will still be Lord of all and he will still be compassionate; as the hymn says, “morning by morning new mercies I see.”  And friends, the mercies will be plentiful.

And in the morning, I will pray for and support when I can whomever is elected President.  I am ever mindful that Romans 13:1 highly suggests that whoever is in power has been so appointed by God himself. Which means I will be respectful and helpful; even when disagreeing. Also, I will note yet again, I will not get my hopes up too high about whoever wins the election; he will be the President, I intend to follow the King.  (Thought borrowed from Mark Driscoll)

And no matter who wins the election, I will not forget that great is God’s faithfulness.

Vote.  Have a great day.  And rejoice tomorrow morning. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.” Even on Election Day…..

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